Agenda: Wednesday 18th September 2024, 7pm - Bellingham Town Hall Meeting Room
Part A - Public Participation
Part B - Parish Council Meeting
- Apologies for Absence
- County Councillor Report
- Declarations of Interest
- Minutes of Aug meeting - to be agreed
- Matters Arising from the Minutes -
- Clerk - Footpath from Fairshaw Cres
- Clerk or Cllr Moore - Playground Maintenance Schedule
- Clerk - Air Source Heaters
- Planning Applications
- 6.1 Applications - 24/02841/FUL - Garage, carport and garden room at Woodville, Redesmouth Road
- 6.2 Decisions from NCC - n/a
- Finance
- 7.1 Aug - Sept income, expenses and bank balances
- 7.2 Audit final report
- Correspondence
- 8.1
- Borderlands update
- Reports
- 10.1 Cllr Wilkinson - Town Hall EV payments
- 10.2 Cllr Kirkbride - HAF programme
- Any Urgent Business
- Restricted Business
- Agreement of date of next meeting - Oct 16th
Clerk’s Notes to the Agenda
7.1 Finance income and expenditure
Interest -
Invoices paid:
Anglian water
Invoices to be paid:
C Holbrow Exiam (Village Maintenance) - £180
Chris Mowatt (Landscaping) - £968
C Woodcock (Clerk Wages) - £205.95
Natalie Green - £199.33
Brierley Maintenance (Street Cleaning - 40hrs) - £640
This is a draft agenda and subject to change.
Clerk: Christine Woodcock, 44 Brierley Gardens, Otterburn.